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    From Dr. Luther Smith

    Dispensationalism, the five solas, the refomation

    Forged From Reformation

    How Dispensational Thought Advances The Reformed Legacy

    It has been five-hundred years since Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door at Wittenberg, fanning the flames of the Protestant Reformation. Forged from the fires of the Reformation's heightened attention to the Bible and its details, a more refined and systematic dispensational understanding has developed and continues to be shaped. This book, written by a diverse and accomplished group of dispensational scholars, articulates in each and every chapter how, five-hundred years later, dispensational thought upholds and advances the legacy of the Reformation unlike any other theological system in Christian tradition.

    (Contributing author)

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    Majesty In The Menial

    The Doctrine of Good Works

    So often we are told that we must do big things for God. As a result, the routine and mundane tasks of life seem devalued, if not totally insignificant. The Majesty in the Menial helps us to have confidence that everything we do - no matter how insignificant - is meaningful to God, and therefore should also be meaningful to us.

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    Christian living, Good works,
    Philosophy, theology, Christian living

    The Big Six

    A Biblical & Expositional Discourse Concerning The Fundamental Questions of Life

    Humanity has sought to understand and answer the questions above known as the "Big Six"- as these questions are significant in understanding reality. However, how does a person know with certainty if the answers a person has concerning these questions are true? In The Big Six Luther Smith examines three major perspectives found in the world: The God does not exist view, God exists and is not the God of the biblical worldview, and the God exists, and He is the God of the biblical worldview. Luther Smith observes each of these outlooks answer these Big Six Questions, and concludes that among these perspectives there is only one view-God exists, and He is the God of the biblical worldview that answers all these questions consistently and sufficiently, and how this should bring confidence in a person who promotes this view.

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    Foundations For Counseling Biblically

    Equipping Counselors To Guide In Truth

    Foundations for Counseling Biblically helps counselors who seek to counsel others biblically know with certainty that Bible has the wisdom and insight to inform counselors about the troubles and pressures humanity faces in these modern times. The Bible also equips the counselor with the proper outlook when guiding the counselee. The result is that the counselor can be confident that their counseling is according to the Scriptures.

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    Biblical Counseling Foundations, Biblical Counseling
    Philosophy, theology, Biblical Counseling

    Philosophical Foundations of Counseling Biblically

    Philosophical Foundations of Counseling Biblically examines two approaches to counseling from a biblical perspective: The Reformed Theological (i.e., Nouthetic) approach and the Dispensational approach. While Luther Smith does acknowledge the commonalities between the two approaches he also notes the differences concluding that both claim they are biblical, but only one approach is consistent in this claim and that these differences matter in how a counselor works with a person in the counseling process.

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    Christmas In Winter


    Winter, a thirteen-year-old girl, during the season of Christmas-A time of celebration, family, and joy, receives the worse news of her life, which she calls “The Cold.” This horrible news prompts Winter to embark on a personal journey of questions about death, and the purpose of life. As Winter receives the answers to her questions, from various places: her father’s journal he gives to her, discussions with her mother, and consulting what her father calls the “Book of Reality,” the impact of the answers she finds alters her perspective not only about the season of Christmas and its meaning, but on time and eternity.

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    Psychology, theology, counseling

    Biblical Foundations of Psychology & Counseling

    This approach has the advantage of seeking to view all knowledge through the lens of Scripture, and to subject all knowledge to the authority of Scripture. It encourages science and research within the field of psychology. It offers a Biblical balance of description and prescription. Of course, if the Bible is unreliable, then the refractive power of Scripture is distortive rather than corrective, but the epistemological premise of this approach is that God's word is authoritative and sufficient for our understanding, for our equipping, and for our practice. There are many extra-biblical resources that we can employ, but in seeking out how and when to do that, we mustn't lose sight of the one reliable constant that God has provided for us - the Bible.

    (Co-Editor & Contributing Author)

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    The Divine Nine:

    A Philosophical and Expositional Examination of 

    The Spiritual Gifts

    In The Divine Nine, Luther Smith seeks to observe the philosophical beliefs in what he calls the Charismatic-theological perspective and the Normal, grammatical, and historical perspective, contrasting each perspective with the Scriptures. The Divine Nine seeks to help readers understand the spiritual gifts and the good outlook regarding this critical topic.

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    Spiritual gifts, Christian living
    Counseling Biblically Image

    Counseling Biblically:

    Beyond The Foundations

    In Counseling Biblically: Beyond The Foundations, Luther Smith continues to complement the information from Foundations For Counseling Biblically by addressing more subjects in counseling from a biblical perspective, such as a process for determining if a counseling technique aligns with Scripture, how to guide and advise unbelievers in the counseling process, and even provides a counseling model that seeks to consistent with the biblical perspective. This book further reinforces that the counselor working from a biblical worldview, licensed or unlicensed, should be encouraged that the Bible provides the necessary framework to counsel all people effectively.

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